Glad Bitch
Glad Bitch is a self-discovery podcast for busy people. Sarah Warman is using personal stories, observations (and confessions) to explore the ways we all get stuck and how we can find our way out.
She’s calling out comfort zones, people pleasing, the inner critic and more, while finding her voice on the mic. All with the help of her inner glad bitch.
You can find Sarah at http://sarahwarman.com or on Instagram: @sarah.on.purpose
Writer, Host, Art: Sarah Warman
Editing: Chris Thierfelder
Intro: "Microphone" by Lady Bri
Outro: "Good Day" by Nappy Roots
Copyright The Purpose Provocateur 2023, All Rights Reserved
10 episodes
The Poetry of Purpose
What do poetry and purpose have in common? A lot more than you think.Sarah wraps the season by exploring the similarities between these two art forms with the help of dead poets and living ones, too!George Yatchisin:
Season 1
Episode 10

The Heart Project
No one wants to be afraid. But, if fear is here to stay how do we move forward?Sarah has a tip. Outro: "Love Stinks" by J. Giles Band (Listen No...
Season 1
Episode 9

Word Salad
Will she stick with it? Go another direction? Follow her stream of consciousness and see where it leads. Outro: "Boogie in Your Butt" by Eddie Murphy (You're gonna have to go find the full version on your own)
Season 1
Episode 8

Listen, Witch
Intuition is an incredibly efficient way to make decisions both big and small. So how do we work with it and make it stronger? How do we know what’s true and what is just anxiety?This type of knowledge might have had you feeling the bur...
Season 1
Episode 7

There is a Mean Girl in Your Brain
Get in, Loser. Regina George might be the cult classic movie version of a “mean girl”, but what about the one you let live inside your head? It might be time to take her crown and give it back to who it belongs. YOU.Sarah breaks...
Season 1
Episode 6

A is for Authenticity (and A**hole)
Saying authenticity three times fast is harder than actually being authentic, in theory.Living a life that feels true to you has Glad Bitch written all over it. But, she won’t tolerate a**holes.Outro: "Me" by Lady Bri (
Season 1
Episode 5

Learning Sucks
You don't need me or anyone else to tell you learning something new can be awkward and uncomfortable, or that sometimes you want to avoid learning completely.But, if you learn how to learn it helps. Just ask a mushroom.
Season 1
Episode 4

On Being a Late Bloomer
There is a process to blooming that takes as long as it takes and it's different for everyone. Sarah learned one of her biggest lessons about life from wildflowers (who bloom whenever they damned well please) and she wants to share it w...
Season 1
Episode 3